

Dialectic is at the forefront of the consumer electronics industry connecting people to the brands they love.

Project Overview

On a mission to make global brands more accessible

As a rapidly growing distributor, Dialectic partners with well-established, high-demand brands at the top of their game. We helped Dialectic clearly define their vision, better align with their audiences needs and outshine their competition. With a sleek, contemporary brand refresh - Dialectic lives up their promise of connecting the world.

(The Details)
Project Type
What we did

Brand Workshop
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Verbal Identity
Digital Experience
Event Design


Finding clarity to connect the world forward

With the work of our Brand Workshop, we uncovered the valuable building blocks to create the future vision for the company. Simply put, Dialectic moves fast to connect people to the brands they love. Making the world more accessible - no matter how big or fast it moves. Dialectic adapts to bring more value, forward.

Digital Experience

Delivering an unforgettable online experience

Crafting a cutting-edge digital experience that clearly communicates Dialectic's services while delivering on their brand promise was our goal from the start. Building upon the newly established visuals and messaging to create a website that fit the part of being the premier global distributor.

Brand Activation

Taking the refreshed brand to the streets

A well branded customer journey is one thing - socials, email, presentations, but we took it a step further by designing a mobile pop-up space for easy travel and set up at events. A striking panoramic experience of brand visuals and messaging to engage even the most distracted attendees.

Client Testimonial

Ready to build a brand your customers believe in?

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