Why Brand Matters
How do you actively shape a brand – what is this nuanced art all about? We explore, how with creativity, skill, and strategy, a brand can establish an identity that sets itself apart from the competition and sparks a connection with its audience. When you think of music streaming you’re likely to think of one […]
Brand consistency: is it really that important?
You’ve probably heard multiple times that one of the most important things about branding is consistency. Consistency is key – it aids recognizability and makes your brand more powerful. But why does consistency matter so much, and how can it be implemented? And is it really so detrimental when this doesn’t happen? Branding has been […]
The power and purpose of brand equity
How positive brand associations can drive loyalty and increase profitability — and the risks of developing a negative brand reputation. Ask almost any company and they will tell you that improving their brand awareness is a top priority. In fact, 77% of marketing leaders say building a strong brand is critical to their growth strategy. Having a recognizable brand name is […]
Building brilliant brands: how to get there?
Consumers expect quality and financial return from brands but also a measurable, positive impact on the environment, the planet, our society, and its vulnerable groups. That’s, in short, what building brilliant brands is all about. If I had to squeeze this whole subject into just one sentence, I’d say brands need to stay relevant. If you […]
To Be a Purpose-Driven Brand, Start from the Inside Out
We’ve all seen it. It’s like watching a slow-motion car crash or a supertanker heading toward a dock that can’t turn in time. The purpose-based brand campaign that goes all wrong, often turning good intentions into embarrassment and sometimes even making the brand into a pariah. Over the last few decades, as the industry tries […]